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Wellhead Protection

Wellhead Protection

Wellhead Protection

Wellhead Protection plans are designed to prevent drinking water from becoming polluted by managing
potential sources of contamination in the area which supplies water to a public well. States are required
to have wellhead protection programs under the provisions of the 1986 amendments to the federal Safe
Drinking Water Act. A capture zone for the well (called the wellhead protection area) is designated and a
plan is developed and implemented for managing potential contamination sources within the wellhead
protection area. Much can be done to prevent pollution, such as the wise use of land and chemicals.
Public health is protected and the expense of treating polluted water or drilling new wells is avoided
though wellhead protection efforts.

Stillwater Area Public Schools is committed to doing our part in assuring our well water supply remains
safe for our students and for our community. Our goal is to increase public awareness of our well water
supply locations and emphasize the importance of monitoring potential contaminants in these areas.

We would like to encourage everyone to do their part by reporting potential contamination hazards that
could jeopardize the safety of our drinking water. This could include such things as illegal dumping,
tampering with wells, and any other suspicious activities affecting the wellhead area.

Oak-Land Middle School currently operates one well for its water supply purposes. Detailed descriptions
of the geologic and hydro geologic setting of the water supply system, the delineation of the Wellhead
Protection Area and Drinking Water Supply Area, and the well and aquifer vulnerability assessments are
presented in the Wellhead Protection Plan for Oak-Land Middle School. A copy of this plan can be found
at Stillwater Area Public School’s administrative office located at 1875 South Greeley Street Stillwater,
Minnesota. To schedule a review of this plan, please contact Tony Willger, Supervisor of Site Facilities
and Operations, at 651-351-8374.

For more information on Wellhead Protection, please visit:

or contact the MDH Source Water Unit at 651-201-4700.

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